The correct meta tags for the site

  1. Filling Meta Tags
  2. Title Title
  3. Keywords - Keywords
  4. Creation of modern sites from 3000 rubles

What are meta tags? Google search engines, Yandex and others are guided by keywords and phrases that the Internet user is looking for.

When writing texts for a blog, you should immediately learn the first lesson: do not try to invent a bicycle, naively believing that it is your words and phrases that are highly popular. Yes, your text is unique and interesting. But if you just write a text filled with deep meaning and content, but without popular words and phrases, it will never appear in the tops of search results.

And now look again at the first paragraph you read from two sentences. Let's explore it with the content of keywords together with you. Here are the words from the first paragraph, and opposite them - the statistics of hits from Wordstat Yandex:

Meta Tags - 2'009 views
search engines - 3,090 hits
Keywords - 201'990 views
Internet user - 34'554 shows

Conclusion: the first paragraph of this article at first looked different, but then I made a small text optimization and changed the words and phrases without changing the essence. I have not changed the second paragraph, and you will not find popular phrases (from the point of view of a search engine). It turns out that SEO optimization begins with the correct text. You simultaneously write text, edit it, select and write keywords or phrases, and only then use them when filling in the Title (Title), Description (Description) and Keywords (keywords).

Filling Meta Tags

Before describing the rules for filling meta tags, I want to note that all popular engines have plug-ins and modules that facilitate the process of filling these three main fields. For example, in Joomla I use Easy Frontend SEO , in WordPress I use the standard All in One SEO .

Each of your pages on the Internet has three characteristics that the search robot sees first of all: title, description, keywords. They must be filled in if you want to be friends with search engines. Now more about filling out these fields.

Title Title

The Internet user sees it in the top field of the browser and in the tab created by him. The title should be short and informative. If you think that your title is correct, check it on and find out how many users typed this phrase per month. If the number is less than 200, find a similar phrase with more than 1000 impressions and use it. For example, look at how often two similar phrases are searched for, and you will immediately understand which one you’d better use when creating the title: “ well-known video story ” (16 hits) and below - “ popular video ” (28'210 hits).

Description - Description

The description is shown in the snippet. Snippet is a short text of no more than 160 characters, which shows the browser when displaying search results. This text should be readable, should attract a user like “well, open me, look how interesting” - it means it should contain keywords. Sometimes a phone number is put first in the snippet - let's say a person needs to call a plumber or get into the help line immediately.

Keywords - Keywords

I wrote about the selection of keywords at the very beginning. Here are suitable and individual words and phrases. Try not to repeat and use different words when filling in the Keywords, not forgetting to pry into the data of search services by frequency of hits. And in the main text of the article it is also not recommended to use the same keyword too often - no more than 4-5 per 300-500 characters. Otherwise, search engines can regard it as spam and put you on the black list. Do not forget about the uniqueness of your texts, it is desirable that it be above 70-80%. To check the text for uniqueness, you can use the Advego Plagiatus program for Windows. In parallel with this program, you will install obsessive additions to Yandex, I personally deleted them.

Creation of modern sites from 3000 rubles

We create effective websites on CMC WordPress - the most popular engine on the Internet. On its base, you can create everything from a landing or blog to a forum or online store.

We set up advertising on Yandex Direct and Google AdWords from advertising on search to advertising campaigns in the Display Network on the websites of Yandex and Google partners.

For pricing and examples of completed work, see our website. Studio Alex . If you have questions, get a free consultation by filling out the contact form:


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